Central European Development Solutions

Programme CESTA for disabled children and adolescents: Day Care Centre as a Comprehensive Services Centre (CEntrum komplexných služieb STArostlivosti - CESTA)

Programme CESTA for disabled children and adolescents: Day Care Centre as a Comprehensive Services Centre (CEntrum komplexných služieb STArostlivosti - CESTA)

MAIN GOAL: To improve the quality of life of children and adolescents with severe forms of disability by introducing and testing a pilot system of comprehensive social care.

The purpose of the project was to improve:
- the levels of quality and the scope of services provided within the Day Care Centre
- the quality of professional skills of family members for home childcare
- the progress of socialization of clients in terms of their individual development plans, while the goal of the project will be reached with: the implementation and test of a pilot system of comprehensive social care for children and adolescents with severe forms of disability, which functionally links these 3 aspects affecting the quality of life of the project’s target group.

Main activities:
1. Preparing the final draft of the non-repayable financial grant with its annexes
2. Mobilization and capacity building
3. Building alterations and extensions – ROSA
4. Increasing the complexity of existing services and introducing new ones

Information about the project

Operačný program:
Švajčiarsky finančný mechanizmus
993 059 EUR
