Central European Development Solutions

Islands of Culture – Open area 4 – Courtyard of the Barkóczy Palace, library

Islands of Culture – Open area 4 – Courtyard of the Barkóczy Palace, library

The project aimed to create a cultural, educational and information space, the purpose of which is to make information about the region accessible to everyone and to organize cultural events in an attractive environment. The project helped restore the national cultural monument of Barkóczy Palace. Thanks to the reconstruction of the palace courtyard, a multifunctional space for cultural leisure time was created. The reconstruction consisted of the renovation and modification of some parts of the building, which belongs to the Barkóczy Palace – part of the basement, the ground floor and the 4th floor, the so-called attic.

Information about the project

Operačný program:
Regionálny operačný program
Rekonštrukcie budov a historických pamiatok
778 841,28 EUR
